Instituto Brasil a Gosto is one of the guests of the debate “Challenges and solutions for the Amazon in the 21st century”, which will open the IV Hospitality Meeting, promoted by the FMU Events, Gastronomy, Tourism and Hospitality courses, on May 23rd.

Our president Ana Luiza Trajano will discuss the theme with the chef Mara Sales (from Tordesilhas restaurant), the Brazilian cuisine historian Ricardo Maranhão (FAM) and the ambientalist Jeferson Straatmann (ISA – Instituto Socioambiental).

The event includes lectures, workshops, tastings and workshops and will work as a platform for sharing content between students, cooks and professionals from different areas of hospitality. It ends on the 25th, and will take place on the Avenida Liberdade 654 and 899, location of the Gastronomy building and the Nelson Carneiro Auditorium. The event is restricted to the academic community and some guests.

“The activities aim to enable students to work with gastronomic culture and expand their knowledge based on the experiences of successful teachers and chefs. In addition, it seeks to encourage entrepreneurship among students ”, comments the coordinator of Events, Gastronomy, Tourism and Hospitality at FMU, Cintia Gama.

IV Encontro de Hospitalidade FMU – SP

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