New bill, waiting for the president’s sanction, simplifies the trade of such products out of their state of origin.

Great news for the consumers, chefs, producers and fans of Brazilian food in general: very soon cheese, sausages, honey and other artisan food products of animal origin will have their commercialization simplified. There was unanimity in the Senate on the last May 23rd and the bill now has to be sanctioned by the president.

The bill sanctioned, the product will be allowed to be traded  countrywide as long as the artisan food products of animal origin are identified and subject to inspection by the public health agencies of the States, no longer depending on the Ministry of Agriculture. Simplified methods should be applied and will take into account the demands of registry and dimensions of each enterprise.  Each place should be attested with  the ‘art’ seal.

Nowadays artisan food products of animal origin can only be traded out of their states once they obtain the SIF (Federal Inspection Seal) which can take up to two year to be granted by the Ministry of Agriculture and hinders the market of small and medium sized enterprises.

The bill PL3,859/2015 was reported by Senator Valdir Raupp (PMDB-RO) and is likely to make a difference for the Brazilian cuisine. #pelacozinhabrasileira.

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