Mayor Bruno Covas signed the law last Tuesday, June 25th

Rafaela Polo

Since the beginning of 2019, São Paulo has been in a movement to decrease the use of plastic straws in its bars and restaurants. The item is considered a big agent in environmental pollution. The law was finally signed last Tuesday, June 25th.

The bill was written by councilor Reginaldo Tripoli (PV) – and signed by Mayor Bruno Covas – and prohibits the commercialization and supply of plastic straws by commercial establishments. Other types of straws are allowed (biodegradable, paper, edible …). Those who don’t follow the new decision will first be warned and then fined in amounts that start at R$ 1.000. After the sixth notice, those who break the law may have their establishment closed down.

From now on, the city has 180 days to determine how the inspection will be made.

Other Brazilian cities have already banned plastic straws, such as Rondonópolis (MT), Cataguases (MG), Montes Claros (MG), Cabedelo (AL), Conde (AL), Arraial do Cabo (RJ), Campo dos Goytacazes (RJ), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Imbé (RS), Pelotas (RS), Santa Maria (RS), Imbituba (SC), Ilha de Porto Belo (SC) and São Francisco do Sul (SC).