Projects carried out in the Creation Laboratory, of the Escola de Gastronomia Social Ivens Dias Branco, in Ceará, were brought together for the publication


Next Saturday (24th), will be the launching of the book “Laboratório de Criação Inovação e Tradição da Cultura Alimentar no Ceará”. The publication brings together the results of the first edition of the Creation Laboratory, a project by the Escola de Gastronomia Social Ivens Dias Branco (School of Social Gastronomy), and was organized by Lina Luz Cavalcante, special advisor to the School’s Gastronomy, and Vanessa Moreira dos Santos, coordinator of new projects for the Laboratory. The Laboratory is an innovative initiative that brought together different mentors to students who had a promising project to create a new gastronomic product that valued Ceará’s food culture.


Thiago de Andrade, chef from Instituto Brasil a Gosto, was one of the mentors of this first edition. He worked with the researcher student Rafaela Yngred Pontes Medeiros, who developed the so-called stone milk, a sweet made from coconut milk and molasses, ingredients produced in Pedra Branca, a city in the interior of the state, where she was born.


The book launch takes place during the Bienal Internacional do Ceará, at Café Literário, at 19.30. It materializes one of the pillars of the Creation Laboratory: to disseminate the discoveries and rich culture of Ceará cuisine to the community, chefs and market specialists, emphasizing the appreciation of the local producers.

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