Inherited from the native Indians, this variety of manioc flour is still widely consumed in the North region nowadays – it is common to place a bowl of farinha d’água at the table during meals. The texture is coarse, and the granules are quite hard. The product is obtained by peeling the manioc and then leaving it to soak in water until it ferments and gets softer (a process called “pubar”). Then it is toasted and sifted. Dry, crisp and slightly acidic, it can be used to make cakes, cookies, and porridges. It can also be served with meat and fish dishes, such as stews, and açai. The NGO Instituto Maniva, established in 2007 to enhance sustainable family farming, encourages the manufacturing and commercialization of this fermented manioc flour in the city of Bragança, Pará. Another native tradition is showcased in the product’s packaging, sold
in woven baskets made of vine and straw, designed to hold and preserve flour.