Rodrigo Award 2019, granted by Iphan, appoints the main actions in favour of Brazilian cultural heritage


The Rodrigo Melo Franco de Andrade Award, organised by Iphan and considered the most important award for the Brazilian cultural heritage, has just announced this year’s winners (see list below). Among them is the Feira de Trocas de Sementes e Mudas Tradicionais das Comunidades Quilombolas do Vale do Ribeira (a fair to exchange traditional seeds and plants inside quilombola communities at Vale do Ribeira, in São Paulo), a project carried out by Instituto Sócio Ambiental and quilombolas communities that is also supported by important partners such as Slow Food and Instituto Brasil a Gosto. The last edition, held in August, had a cooking workshop conducted by women from Quilombo São Pedro and mediated by members of Slow Food Brasil and chefs of Brasil a Gosto. 


This is the 32nd edition of the award, that is granted after a commission formed by 20 professionals from public institutions and civil society analyses every action. The goal is to recognize, value and promote actions that protect cultural heritage all over the country. 



Rolê Carioca: Pelas Histórias do Rio, from Rio de Janeiro;

Milonga, repensando critérios de tombamento de terreiros, from Bahia;

Pinte seu Patrimônio, from Pernambuco; 

Mina du Veloso, from Minas Gerais; 

Feira Nacional de Negócios do Artesanato (Fenearte), from Pernambuco; 

Feira de Trocas de Sementes e Mudas Tradicionais das Comunidades Quilombolas do Vale do Ribeira, from São Paulo;

Inventário Participativo dos Engenhos de Farinha do Litoral Catarinense, from Santa Catarina; 

Tecendo Memórias, Contos e Cantos – Registro das histórias de tradição oral dos imigrantes 

italianos, from Rio Grande do Sul.

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