Essential ingredient for the preparation of angu, a traditional dish of Minas Gerais and São Paulo: the Brazilian version of Italian polenta. By the way, the product is sometimes referred to as polenta flour. It is also used to make broas (cornmeal cream puffs) and breads, among other savory ad sweet preparations from all over Brazil. Consisting of ground, dry corn kernels, regular fubá has particles measuring about 0.2 mm in diameter. Fubá mimoso variety, similar to corn flour (U.S., fine maize flour in U.K.), has an even finer texture. Both can be used to bread foods for frying, adding a crisp, golden exterior to them. When added to broths and soups, it imparts thickness, sustenance and flavor. Among the baking goods prepared with it is the Bolo de Fubá, Brazilian-style sweet corn cake with fennel seeds, delicious with coffee in the late afternoon.